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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Easy Fun Educational Game

Here's a fun and easy game that you could make with kids. The more kids that participate the better this game is.

Have each participant follow the steps below

1. Take a paper and fold it in half
2. Write sentences containing a subject and predicate, with the subject being on the left side of the paper and the predicate part of the sentence being on the right side of the paper. Be creative, funny, or serious with your sentences. The more sentences you have, the better your game will be. It also works better with more elaborate sentences, but can be done with simple sentences as well.
3. Cut your paper in half vertically, on the fold
4. Take your subject column and cut them out and set aside in a pile or container that will be your subject container-we used ziploc bags-make sure to label it as subject
5. Repeat Step 4 just using the predicate column
6. You are ready to play, either have one person draw a subject and predicate and read it aloud or you can take turns drawing subjects and predicates.

Enjoy the funny sentences!

This game was is best for ages 9-11, but try it on other ages as well, or even as a family game. We had some pretty funny ones.

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